Top 10 Disney Rides References to Forgotten Disney Classics That You’ll Miss If You Blink

Stepping into a Disney park is like entering a realm where imagination knows no bounds. From iconic characters to breathtaking attractions, the magic of Disney Parks is woven into every detail. One delightful aspect that often goes unnoticed by many visitors is the presence of “Easter eggs”—hidden gems and nods to Disney's rich history and lore. In this article, we'll embark on a magical journey to uncover the Top 10 Easter eggs you might have missed on Disney Parks rides.

Nod to Great Movie Ride in Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway

Photo Credit: Walt Disney World.

In Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, keen-eyed Disney enthusiasts can spot a clever nod to the classic attraction “The Great Movie Ride.” As you journey through the cartoon chaos in the carnival scene, keep an eye out for a sign that reads “Great Moving Ride.”

This playful reference pays homage to its predecessor, blending nostalgia with the innovation of the new ride. It's a subtle touch that invites fans to reminisce about the past while embracing the exciting evolution of Disney attractions. The “Great Moving Ride” sign serves as a delightful Easter egg, connecting the rich history of Disney Parks seamlessly.

Slinky Dog Dash Date

Photo Credit: Walt Disney World.

Nestled within the vibrant world of Toy Story Land at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Slinky Dog Dash takes guests on a whimsical adventure through Andy's backyard. Amidst the playful details that bring this toy-filled landscape to life, a seemingly inconspicuous sticker from Al's Toy Barn holds a significant reference to Disney-Pixar history.

The sticker on Rex's box, marked with the numbers 11 and 22 in the upper corners and a price of $19.95, is a charming tribute to the release date of the original Toy Story film. It's a small yet significant detail that encapsulates the spirit of Toy Story and pays homage to the film that started it all. Disney's commitment to infusing its attractions with rich storytelling and meaningful connections makes Slinky Dog Dash not just a thrilling ride but a heartfelt celebration of the magic that unfolded on that memorable day on November 22, 1995.

Puffins in Frozen Ever After

Photo Credit: Disney Dose.

In a magical migration from the past, the beloved puffins from the classic Maelstrom ride found a new home in Frozen Ever After. These charming Arctic birds, once part of the Norway Pavilion's aquatic adventure, now bring their whimsy to the Frozen attraction. Nestled in the wintry landscape, the puffins add a touch of nostalgia for longtime Epcot enthusiasts, bridging the gap between the old and the new.

You can spot the puffins in the last scene of the ride after the final drop!

Pet Cemetary in the Haunted Mansion

Photo Credit: Disney Dose.

Nestled on the eerie grounds surrounding Disney's Haunted Mansion, the Pet Cemetery is a morbidly charming detail that often goes unnoticed by many guests. As visitors wind their way through the mansion's foreboding queue, a careful glance to the side reveals a collection of tombstones dedicated to dearly departed animal companions.

These whimsical and cleverly crafted grave markers add an unexpected layer of depth to the haunted atmosphere. Each tombstone in the Pet Cemetery bears a witty epitaph, showcasing Disney's trademark blend of macabre humor and attention to detail. You may even spot familiar faces like Mr. Toad from Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. The Pet Cemetery is not just a graveyard; it's a celebration of life and death, adding a charming touch to the timeless allure of the Haunted Mansion.

Plane in the Jungle Cruise

Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog.

Embarking on a journey through Disney's Jungle Cruise reveals a hidden connection to another classic attraction—the Great Movie Ride. Astute adventurers may notice that half of the plane in the Jungle Cruise appears eerily reminiscent of the aircraft featured in the thrilling Casablanca scene from the now-retired Great Movie Ride. This clever integration pays homage to the rich history of Disney's attractions, creating a seamless link between two beloved rides.

Tribute to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog.

Dive beneath the surface of Disney's Magic Kingdom and you'll discover a subtle yet captivating nod to a classic attraction of yesteryear—20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Nestled within Disney World's Under the Sea: Journey of The Little Mermaid in the queue area, explorers can spot a carving of the Nautilus, Captain Nemo's iconic submarine from the retired 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride. It's a reference that sparks nostalgia for longtime Disney enthusiasts while introducing new generations to the interconnected stories that make the Magic Kingdom a living tapestry of fantasy and adventure.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Tribute

Photo Credit: Walt Disney World.

Although Mr. Toad's Wild Ride may have been replaced at Disney World, the park still pays homage to this classic attraction. In The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, keen-eyed visitors can spot a portrait of Mr. Toad handing over the deed to Owl. It's a subtle nod to the ride that once occupied the same space and a heartfelt tribute to a beloved Disney classic.

At Disneyland, you can still ride Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, as it's one of the several opening day attractions that are still available at the park!

Retired Rex

Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog.

Star Tours takes guests on an intergalactic adventure, and eagle-eyed riders might catch a glimpse of a familiar face—Rex, the bumbling pilot droid from the original Star Tours, at a new location. Rex was reprogrammed, and he now serves as a DJ in Oga's Cantina in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This clever crossover showcases Disney's commitment to connecting its expansive universe of attractions!

We love sitting in a spot with a good view of DJ Rex at Oga's Cantina—be sure to read our full review of this fun Star Wars-themed bar!

Journey into Imagination

Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog.

In the imaginative realm of Epcot's Journey Into Imagination with Figment, keen-eyed visitors will stumble upon a whimsical nod to Disney history—a clever play on words that pays homage to a beloved character. As guests meander through the captivating journey led by Figment, they'll encounter a sign that reads “Dean Finder,” a delightful wordplay inspired by the original character “Dreamfinder.”

Dreamfinder, a whimsical inventor who created Figment, was an integral part of the original Journey Into Imagination attraction. Although the character has undergone changes over the years, the “Dean Finder” sign serves as a playful callback to the nostalgic origins of the ride, resonating with longtime Disney enthusiasts. This witty nod not only brings a smile to those familiar with Epcot's earlier iterations but also introduces new generations to the legacy of Dreamfinder.

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Photo Credit: Disney Parks Blog.

As the old makes way for the new, several attractions have been forever retired at Disneyland. In our list of forgotten Disneyland attractions, we’ll take you through 10 attractions that will never be experienced again by guests.

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Photo Credit: Walt Disney World.

Disney World has a wealth of spots that are hidden gems not every visitor knows about. See some of the secret places Disney World regulars try to keep quiet that are relaxing places to enjoy around the theme parks and Disney World Resort hotels.

Boomers Make These Ten Embarrassing Mistakes at Disney Parks

Photo Credit: Disney Dose.

There are some major Boomer mistakes to avoid in order to make the most of your experience. From ignoring mobile apps to resisting breaking out of the same food routine, be sure to read our list of the biggest mistakes that boomers make at Disney.