Plan Your Walt Disney World Vacation with Get Away Today!

Our trust travel parter, Get Away Today, is our top recommended place to book your Walt Disney World Orlando vacation! They have the lowest price guarantee but also provide the best customer service including FREE concierge services to help you plan your vacation.

They have a dedicated team just for Walt Disney World reservations led by their Walt Disney World expert Brooklyn. Brooklyn goes out of her way to support Disney Dose readers and provides a large list of complimentary concierge services to our readers:

  • Consultation call to understand the complexities of your trip and the preferences of everyone in the group
  • Walt Disney World dining recommendations and reservations based on your family
  • Tailored advice for how your family can best experience Walt Disney World
  • Frequent price checks to ensure that you are receiving the lowest prices possible on your tickets and hotel. This perk came in handy for a lot of guests recently when Disney released the new discounts mentioned above. Some guests saved over $2,000 – just like that!
  • Dedicated support so that you can have the best trip possible!

All of these perks are at no extra cost- there are no hidden fees or extra costs for booking with Get Away Today! You can receive the same discounts Walt Disney World is promoting PLUS this free planning service.

To get started with a free quote and planning your Walt Disney World (Florida) vacation, just fill out the form below!